The influence of music on human organism

About lecture
Would you like to receive more detailed information related to the use of music in medicine?
Would you like to receive more detailed information related to the use of music in medicine?
Would you like to find out which music is medically effective, and how it can be used therapeutically or daily to promote overall health?
Would you like to experience the effect of piano medicine® on yourself?
We cordially invite you to the lecture “IMPACT OF MUSIC ON THE HUMAN ORGANISM”, a lecture by the renowned pianist and lecturer Josip Joe Meixner!
The lecture entitled The influence of music on the human organism provides an insight into the fascinating world of music therapy.
Josip Joe Meixner – pianist, composer, producer and author of the book “Music as Medicine” – presents to the audience, from a theoretical and practical aspect, the healing effect of music on our physical and mental health and the importance of music in our lives. Healing sound therapy is most recommended for insomnia, chronic stress, tension and high blood pressure.
The lecture is intended for everyone who wants to get more detailed information related to the application of music in medicine, as well as find out which music is medically effective, and how it can be used therapeutically or daily to promote overall health. Meixner’s music for relaxation Piano medicine, which is composed on the basis of medical-scientific knowledge, relaxes the nervous system and muscles, promotes a reduction in the level of stress hormones, a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, harmonizes the rhythm of breathing, helps to remove fears and indirectly strengthens immunity.
Many people are not aware of the fact that music is medically very effective, and that it promotes the overall health of a person.
Have we awakened your interest and curiosity?
Then look forward to an exciting lecture on the foundations and application of piano medicine® medical music, along with the traditional knowledge of ancient peoples, the latest facts, modern research results, and live piano music.
About program

– What is music / Formula of music
– Frequencies
– How music affects the human brain
– How music affects human emotions
– Why does some music make us happy and others make us sad?
– What does health “sound” like?
– What does the disease “sound” like?
– Harmony and disharmony
– Can Mozart or some other composers of classical music relax us?
– Music, relaxation and the association problem
– States of consciousness
– Medical studies on the effectiveness of music
– How and where they manipulate us with music in our everyday life
– What is Piano medicine ®?
– Questions and discussion
Duration: 2h30

Additional informations
1. The duration of the lecture is flexible. The minimum is 60 minutes, and the maximum can be a full-day event divided into two parts: morning and afternoon, with a lunch break in between.
2. Mr. Meixner brings with him a digital piano, a complete sound system with speakers and a microphone, which allows the lecture to be held in places where there is no piano or sound system.
3. Given that Mr. Meixner is a pianist, this adds a special dynamic to the lecture (entertaining character!). Many informations during the lecture are supported by musical examples that Mr. Meixner performs live, which truly helps “ordinary” people who are not musicians to really understand and enjoy the explanations related to music. It is very often the case that the lecture ends with a small concert!
4. If the organizer of the lecture/event wants a “sleep concert” lasting 60 minutes, that is possible. Attendees are guaranteed deep relaxation with special music “Piano medicine,” which has a study from the medical faculty in Vienna showing a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system (the study is available in the Meixner’s book “Musik as medicine”).
5. It is also possible for attendees of the lecture to receive the book “Music as Medicine / Self-Therapy with Healing Sounds” (as a PDF) and an piano medicine audio file (mp3) on a USB stick as a gift or for a fee that must be agreed upon with the organizer.

Sleeping concerts
ALTHEDA sleepConcert®
The one-hour ALTHEDA sleepConcert is composed based on music-medical insights and induces deep relaxation. Well-composed sounds bring body and soul into balance and alleviate the harmful speed of our everyday lives. An extraordinary evening. An experience that feels good and lingers long after.
The term ALTHEDA sleepKonzert® refers to the different states of consciousness, experienced by our concert attendees during the “sleep” concerts. From the alpha state (8-13 Hz, light relaxation), through the theta state (4-8 Hz, deep relaxation), to the delta state (<4 Hz, deep sleep). Which of these states concert attendees reach is very individual and depends on various factors.
These concerts offer the opportunity to enjoy the music of piano medicine® live and while lying down.
“Do something good for your health and let the healing music work on you. Not standing, not sitting – you want to relax. I invite you to a feel-good concert while lying down.”
The feel-good concert in a lying position by Joe Meixner is a massage for the soul and a rejuvenation for the mind… the best thing you can do for yourself to find your own rhythm again.
The success speaks for itself: More than 300 sleep concerts have already taken place in Vienna, with numerous positive feedback!

Joe Meixner – A life for music Already his childhood was marked by the passion for improvisation, which he could experience as accompaniment pianist for his father.
After the completion of the music school, he was asked for several years as an accompanying pianist, among others for the American superstar Trini Lopez.
For almost ten years, he was the musical director of Cabaret Simpl in Vienna, before his relocation to Los Angeles. Soon he became one of the “major players” of international events. Countless performances, including performances for KevinCostner, Larry Flynt and Ursula Andress, gave eloquent testimony to his reputation.In addition, he composed for the Disney Channel and Fox Channel.Back in Vienna, with his band PRIVATE SOUL hi performed on Romy Award, Life Ball, ORF Gala, ATV Gala, RTL-Gala, etc.
He is a composer, producer, visionary musical scientist and founder of piano medicine®, but above all a musician – one who breathes life and soul into music every time his hands touches the keys of the piano. Joe Meixner creates a true art form by combining elements of classical, jazz and soul music in his own unique , original arrangements. His performances are the impressive creations of a magnificent musical personality.
Whether Claude Debussy’s “Clair de Lune” or Sting’s “Fragile”, it is soul with the elements of jazz and classical music. His performances are the dazzling creations of a magnificent musical personality.Joe sounds like as if playing the piano and making music were the most joyous activities imaginable. He’ll take you to places you’ve never been to, but will always bring you back home. This is magic that combines passion with the powerful elegance and taste of a master.
What is it that makes every one of his concerts a special occasion?It is his ability to draw his audience into the melodious magic that he creates and toprovide harmonic sound experiences to captivate his audience. Joe Meixner confirms hisvirtuosity and sheer credibility with every single note.
Every piece that Joe is playing is a proclamation of how grand ist to be alive, play piano, and make music.